Journal Entry 1: Mother of four, August 2022

Can words be exhausted? It seems so. I’ve been so tired lately that it seems my words struggle to find its place in the air. Every time I try to think, I’m surrounded by the business that makes my life. Yes, I’m blessed. Yes, I’m thankful, but is it wrong to want a moment of peace? Am I wrong to want a pause from the ruckus of playful voices and clinking pots? Of pitter pattering feet that cling? Is it wrong to need an oasis of relief so that I can recharge and begin again? I long for the peace that passes understanding instead of the tension that arises when my moment of silence is broken. Again, I’m thankful to Yahweh for the blessings. Our quiver is full, but it’s also heavy. I just know if I’m to stay sane, I must find a respite. Please, God Almighty, make it so. And if this moment is not available, be the strength and stability that You alone can give.

Mother of four, August 2022