Journal Entry 2: Abraham, 1831 BC

My soul is in anguish and turmoil consumes me. In this moment, I am in despair and am so confused. Yahweh, is this You? Are You truly telling me to sacrifice the only son that you said was the promise? Only the peoples around us sacrifice their sons. They give their first born to fake gods and allow the blood of their flesh to pour out upon alters. Is this what you’re asking me to do? I hear Your voice. I trust You. This seems like You. The enemy is here to make me doubt You. The enemy surrounds me with words that seem to make sense. But I will trust You. I know things don’t make sense right now. I know it’s dark and my very life feels like it’s being snatched from me. BUT I will trust You. I will lean on You. You are the God of resurrection. You are the Creator. You have plans that we cannot see or fathom. So I will move. I will do what You ask. You give and You take away. Blessed be the name of the LORD. 

Abraham, 1831 BC