Journal Entry 3: Al Robinson, May 1957

Today was a day that I will never forget. Momma and Daddy took me to Georgia! It was so much fun especially since I was the only one out of my brothers and sisters that was able to go. Everywhere I went, somebody was givin me a nickel to buy candy. I bet it was because I was too cute to resist! Well, while we headed back to Florida, we stopped by a small gas station. I still remember it.

There was nothin but a field of bush across the street of that gas station. My daddy asked the person that was workin there if we could use the restroom. I couldn’t believe what happened next! They told us to use the bathroom across the street! In the bushes!!! Anybody watchin would’ve seen my whole family out there peein in the bush! I’m shocked nothin didn’t crawl up in my pants! I still don’t understand why that happened. The gas station had a bathroom! I saw it! I heard my momma say that it was for White’s only. I’m not sure why…I was wearin white. Oh well. 

Al Robinson, May 1957